Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fun In The Rain

"I base my fashion on what doesn't itch."-Gilda Radner

My life hasn't been too exciting lately, so there is really not much to write about...
A couple of weeks ago, me and my friend of a decade decided to have one of the funnest times ever! We were bored.... it was dark... it was raining.... So, naturally, we grabbed a stuffed animal, a bandanna, and had a blast! We ran out into their field, and played Marco Polo- (the stuffed animal wouldn't make sense unless you've seen it.. It was mainly lurched around, trying to hit someone)- But not just regular Marco Polo.. It was more like Marco Polo for people on speed.... (Not that I know how you act on it, of course...) We were running around, not breathing from all the laughter, and having a great time! While getting soaked, as well : ) Oh, and his little brother was playing too. : )
What was soooo funny, though, was this: I was the one with the bandanna on, and I finally hit someone... I took off the blindfold to realize why I had gotten him... His mother had sneaked out, crouching and creeping, and being VERY quiet... Right as Ethan (my friend) turned around, she jumped out and was like: "yahhhhh!" Ethan was like: "Ahhhh!" And flew up his arms! It was soooo funny... Although, I really have no idea how I didn't hear the Yahhhhh... or the ahhh for that matter... Anyway, we came in soaked, happy, and exhausted... But it was so fun :D
Just one memory that I want to record so I won't forget :)

Me and my friend, Ethan, when we were 6 (me) and 5 (Ethan) : )

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